You have heard of "The Deep State" that runs all of these tens of millions of dollars of attacks on the Trump Administration but who are they and why do they always try to destroy the elected government? We hired some Ex-CIA and FBI agents to answer that question. This is what they found out.

1.) These people have a 'Dark Money' bribery program underway in which they use fake charity organizations to conduit bribes and rigged government contracts back and forth to themselves.

2. These are the people (Mostly from New York and California) who are 'freaking out' because Trump is cutting off their corruption ('Draining the swamp...") and who are spending the most money and resources on Fusion GPS, Black Cube, Gawker/Gizmodo hit jobs and spying. These are not just people who disagree with Trump. They are actively meeting about, and spending tens of millions of dollars on espionage activities, riots and character assassinations in order to keep their payola schemes going.

The top most active Deep State radicalized financiers and agitators are:

Amy Pascal; (Sony Pictures Obama funding liaison, traded CIA secrets for Zero Dark Thirty script)

Arnold Schwarzenegger; (CA governor, actor, arranged Russian mob financing and Russian mining deals)

Barack Obama; (Acted as front man for Silicon Valley payola deals through White House)

Bill Daley; (Obama's Chicago mobster staff boss, ran payola ops in White House for Obama)

Bill Lockyer; (California finance boss with a sex scandal that gave taxpayer cash to crooked Solyndra and Tesla)

Brian Goncher; (Deloitte finance Cleantech scammer head, put togther Obama Cleantech payola deals)

Daniel Cohen; (Dept of Energy Lawyer who helped fudge the DOE Slush-Fund into place with Steven Chu)

David Axelrod; (Obama White House media hit-man)

David Drummond; (Top Google lawyer who had a few scandals at his Quail Road Home in Woodside, CA)

David Plouffe; (Obama White House boss who arranged Silicon Valley payola and revolving door deals)

David E. Shaw; (Known as the Snake Of Silence)

Dianne Feinstein; (Covert owner of Tesla, Solyndra and other conflict-of-interests. called "The Most Corrupt Senator In U.S. History")

Elon Musk; (Tech mobster bromance buddy of Larry Page at Google and Tim (crazy eyes) Draper, sex party partner with Steve Jurvetson and largest government Mooch in American history)

Eric Holder; (Obama's AG who ran all of the DOJ and FBI cover-ups of corruption for Obama)

Eric Schmidt; (Google boss with an "open marriage", a sex penthouse and a CIA office who loves to mess with governments around the world)

- John Zaccarro, Jr.
- Frank Giustra
- Nick Denton
- Harry Reid
- Haim Saban
- Hillary and Bill Clinton
- Ira Ehrenpreis
- Andy Bechtolsheim
- Jay Carney
- James Comey
- Jared Cohen
- Jeffrey Katzenberg
- John Doerr
- Harvey Weinstein
- Yasmin Green
- Jonathan Silver
- Ken Brody
- Lachlan Seward
- Laurene Powell Jobs
- Judge Stewart M. Bernstein - Hillary Clinton sponsor protecting DNC corruption

- Larry Page

- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Google, Alphabet, YouTube
- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Facebook
- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of In-Q-Tel
- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Amazon
- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of Twitter
- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of PayPal
- The Majority of the Executives and Owners of WordPress.Org
- Lloyd Craig Blankfein
- The Law Firm of Perkins Coi
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Martin LaGod
- Matt Rogers
- Marc Benioff
- Michael Birch
- Steve Kirsch
- Steven Spielberg
- S. Donald Sussman
- Pierre Omidyar
- Rahm Emanual
- Raj Gupta
- Ray Lane
- Robert Rubin
- Rob Friedman
- Reid Hoffman
- Richard Blum
- Robert Gibbs
- Robert Shwarts
- Roger Altman
- The Law Firm of Covington and Burling
- Sanford Robertson
- Sheryl Sandburg
- Steve Jurvetson
- Steve Rattner
- Steve Westly
- Steven Chu
- Steve Spinner
- Susie Tompkins Buell
- Tracey Turner
- George Soros

- Warren Buffet

- Tom Steyer

Margie Sullivan; (Tom Steyer's partner and Hillary Clinton's special friend who helped USAID push mining deals to get Afghanistan invaded for Elon Musk and Frank Guistra mining scams)

Tim Draper; (Bromance buddy of Elon Musk with extremist eyebrows and hatred of Californians)

Valarie Jarrett; (Obama's White House overseer of the Obama corruptions office efforts who sought to help Iran)

Vinod Khosla; (The villan of the CBS 60 Minutes episode: The Cleantech Crash, Obama & Clinton financier kick-back artist and "beach stealer")

Michelle Lee; (Google's lawyer who was placed as head of U.S. Patent Office for the purpose of protecting Google and the Silicon Valley Cartel in their IP theft onslaughts)

The law firm of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosatti; (Known as the most "corrupt law firm in Silicon Valley"

Lawrence "Larry" Summers (Harvard President who aided Zuckerberg's light-speed rise to prominence with unprecedented Harvard Crimsoncoverage; Obama bailout chief; Clinton Treasury Secretary; World Bank Chief Economist; "Special Advisor" to Marc Andreessen in Instagram; co-creator of the current Russian robber baron economy; close 20-year relationships with protégés Sheryl Sandberg & Yuri Milner; aided in recommendations that created the Russian robber baron economy—and Yuri Milner/DST/Asmanov's money used to purchase Facebook stock)

James W. Breyer; (Accel Partners LLP; Facebook director; client of Fenwick & West LLP since the 1990's; apparently received technology from other Fenwick clients that was shuffled to Zuckerberg, incl. Leader Technologies' inventions. Formed CIA IN-Q-TEL spy and IP theft organization)

David Plouffe; directed Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns; a self-described "statistics nerd;" likely directed the activities of the Facebook Club; employed Robert F. Bauer, Perkins Coii LLP in 2000 at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Facebook and Uber manipulation expert)

McBee Strategic (one of the main "private" arms responsible for dolling out the billions in Obama "green energy" stimulus funds; partnered with Cooley Godward LLP)

Mike Sheehy (Cooley-McBee Strategic principal; former National Security Adviser to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi)

Nancy Pelosi (U.S. Congresswoman; appears to be running political cover in the House for Facebook, McBee Strategic, Cooley Godward, Fenwick & West, Breyers, etc.)

Harry Reid (U.S. Senator; Judge Evan J. Wallach patron)

Thomas J. Kim (SEC, Chief Counsel & Assoc. Director) approved Facebook's 500-shareholder exemption on Oct. 14, 2007, one day after it was submitted by Fenwick & West LLP; Facebook used this exemption to sell $3 billion insider stock to the Russians Alisher Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, Digital Sky, which pumped Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to $100 billion; another Harvard grad, Kim worked at Latham & Watkins LLP which was the chief lobbyist for the National Venture Capital Association in 2002-2004 whose Chairman was James W. Beyer, Accel Partners LLP; in other words Breyer and Kim, both Harvard grads, were associated at the time of the Zuckerberg hacking and theft of Leader Technologies' software code)

Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberg handler)

Jim Swartz (Accel Partners; Zuckerberg handler)

Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook, Summers protégé; Facebook director)

Yuri Milner (DST aka Digital Sky, Summers protégé; former Bank Menatep executive; Facebook director)

Alisher Asmanov (DST aka Digital Sky; Goldman Sachs Moscow partner; Russian oligarch; Friend of the Kremlin; Became the Richest Man in Russia after the Facebook IPO)

Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg coach; client of Fenwick & West LLP and Christopher P. King akaChristopher-Charles King akaChristopher King aka Christopher-Charles P. King; Summers' sponsor during Instagram-scam; Facebook director)

Peter Thiel (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; Facebook director; CEO, Clarion Capital)

Clarion Capital (Peter Thiel)

Reid G. Hoffman (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn; Facebook director)

Richard Wolpert (Accel Partners)

Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ventures; Fidelity Equity Partners; Fidelity Ventures Telecommunications & Technology)

David Kilpatrick (Business Insider; "The Facebook Effect"; PR cleanse-meister re. Facebook origins)
Zynga/Groupon/LinkedIn/Square/Instagram ("Facebook Money/Credits/Bitcoin" feeder companies)

Tesla Motors (received $465 million in Obama stimulus funds and hired Cooley's Michael Rhodes in the seven months before the Leader v. Facebook trial, just before veteran Judge Joseph Farnan made the surprise announcement of his retirement, just six days after Facebook's disastrous Markman Hearing)

Solyndra (received $535 million in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley-McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance)

BrightSource (received $1.6 billion in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley-McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance)

John P. Breyer (father of James W. Breyer; founder of IDG Capital Partners - China; coached his son on exploiting Western markets while he quietly built a venture capital business in China for the last 20 years; the real brain behind the Breyer exploitations)

IDG Capital Partners (China)(founded by John P. Breyer, the father of James W. Breyer, Accel Partners; the current launderer of the tens of billions James W has fleeced from the U.S. market from the bailout, stimulus and the "pump & dump" Facebook IPO schemes)

Goldman Sachs (received US bailout funds; then invested with DST in Facebook private stock via Moscow; took Facebook public; locked outAmerican investors from investing)

Morgan Stanley (received US bailout funds; took Facebook public; probably participated in oversees purchases of Facebook private stock before IPO)

State Street Corporation (received U.S. taxpayer bailout monies along with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley; consolodating control of ATM banking networks internationally

JP Morgan Chase (received U.S. taxpayer bailout monies along with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and State Street Corporation)

Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs, CEO)

Jamie Dimon (JP MorganChase, CEO)

Steve Cutler (JP MorganChase, General Counsel)

Rodgin Cohen (JP MorganChase, Outside Counsel; Sullivan Cromwell, LLP)

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (granted Fenwick & West's application on behalf of Facebook for an unpredented exemption to the 500 shareholder rule; opened the floodgated for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to make a private market in Facebook pre-IPO insider stock; facilitated the influx of billions of dollars from "dubious" sources associated with Russian oligarchs, Alisher Asmanov and Yuri Milner, and the Kremlin; Goldman Sachs is a partner with this Moscow company, Digital Sky Technologies, aka DST, aka

Jeff Markey (McBee Strategic LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley Godward Kronish LLP to arrange Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed BrightSource and $535 million for failed Solyndra)

Steve McBee (McBee Strategic LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley Godward Kronish LLP to arrange Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed BrightSource and $535 million for failed Solyndra)

Michael F. McGowan (Stroz Friedberg; Facebook forensic expert who lied about his knowledge of the contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard Email accounts)

Bryan J. Rose (Stroz Friedberg; Facebook forensic expert who lied about his knowledge of the contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard Email accounts)

Dr. Saul Greenberg (Facebook's expert witness from the University of Calgary; disingenuously waived his hands and said he would be "wild guessing" about the purpose of a Java "sessionstate" import statement (even Java newbies know it is used for tracking a user while in a web session); in short, Dr. Greeberg lied to the jury, thus discrediting his testimony)

Toni Townes-Whitley (CGI Federal; Michelle Obama's 1985 Princeton classmate; CGI "donated" $47 million to the Obama campaign; CGI won the no-bid contract to build the Obamacare website; CGI shut off the security features on Obama's reelection donation sites to increase donations)

CGI Federal (US division of a Canadian company; Donated $47 million to Obama's reelection, then received the no-bid contract to build the ill-fated Obamacare website; Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate, Toni Townes-Whitely, is a Senior Vice President of CGI; the website is replete with social features and links to Facebook)

Kathleen Sebelius (Obama's Secretary of Health & Human Services since 2009 responsible for $678 million Obamacare implementation; made the decision to hire CGI Federal on a no-bid contract despite the evident conflict of interest with Michelle Obama and $47 million in Obama campaign donations by CGI; the website is replete with social features and links to Facebook)

Todd Y. Park (White House Chief Technology Officer (CTO); former CTO for Health & Human Services; chief architect of; founder, director, CEO, Athenahealth, Inc.; founder, director, CEO, Castlight Health, Inc.)

Frank M. Sands, Sr. / Frank M. Sands, Jr. (Founder and CEO, respectively, of Sands Capital Management LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 13G acquisition reports for Athenahealth, Inc., Baidu, Inc. (ADR) and Facebook stock during 2012; masked the association of Todd Y. Park with Athenahealth, Inc. and Baidu, Inc., and the association of both of those companies with the Facebook IPO fraud)

Robin "Handsome Reward" Yangong Li (CEO, Baidu, Inc. (ADR); appointed Jan. 2004, the same month that Mark Zuckerberg obtained Leader Technologies' social networking source code to start Facebook; Robin Y. Li is very likely associated with John P. and James W. Breyer through their Chinese entities, including IDG Capital Partners, IDG-Accel and other variants; Li appointed a junior attorney from Fenwick & West LLP, Palo Alto/Mountain View, namely Parker Zhang, to be his "Head of Patents;" Fenwick & West LLP represented both Leader Technologies, Inc. and Accel Partners LLC in 2002-2003 and had Leader's source code in their files.)

Parker Zhang ("Head of Patents" at Baidu, Inc. (ADR), appointed in approx. May 2012; formerly a junior Associate attorney at Fenwick & West LLP; graduate from Michigan Law in 2005)

Penny S. Pritzker (Secretary, Department of Commerce; replaced Rebecca M. Blank; holds over $24 million in Facebook "dark pools" stock, most notably in Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan)

Rebecca M. Blank (Secretary, Department of Commerce; oversaw the dubious Leader v. Facebook activities of the Patent Office Director, David J. Kappos, who held over one million dollars in Facebook "dark pools" during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; Kappos purchased this stock within weeks of his surprise recess appointment by President Obama; Kappos also was formerly employed by IBM, who sold Facebook 750 patents during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; right before leaving the Patent OFfice, Kappos also ordered an unprecedented 3rd reexamination of Leader's patent without even identifying claims)

Mary L. Schapiro (Chairman, Securities & Exchange Commission; holds 51 Facebook "dark pools" stocks which held stock in Facebook, Baidu and more than a dozen Facebook crony companies; failed to regulate the "dark pools;" failed to disclose her substantial conflict of interest in regulating the run up to the Facebook IPO)
Robert C. Hancock (Chief Compliance Officer, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athena health, Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; this conduct masked the conflicts of interest of Todd Y. Park, who was appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director and CEO of both Athena health and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park deeply embedded the software from Athena health and Castlight Health into when he was CTO at Health & Human Services; none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics pledges and reports are missing from the Office of Government Ethics)

Jonathan Goodman (Chief Counsel, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athenahealth, Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; this conduct masked the conflicts of interest of Todd Y. Park, who was appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director and CEO of both Athena health and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park deeply embedded the software from Athena health and Castlight Health into when he was CTO at Health & Human Services; none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics pledges and reports are missing from the Office of Government Ethics; Goodman was formerly employed by Gibson Dunn LLP, Facebook appeals counsel in Leader v. Facebook)

Trip Adler ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Scribd held AFI documents for two years, then summarily deleted the entire library without warning on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library contained only public documents and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption)

Jared Friedman ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Scribd held AFI documents for two years, then summarily deleted the entire library without warning on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library contained only public documents and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption)

Jeffrey Wadsworth (CEO, Battelle Memorial Institute; President, Ohio State University Board of Trustees; former Deputy Director of Science & Technologies, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California Board of Trustees)

Michael V. Drake (President, The Ohio State University; former Chancellor, University of California, Irvine)
Woodrow A. Myers (Chief Medical Officer, Wellpoint, Inc.; formerly Corporate Operations Officer, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana)

Alex R. Fischer (aka Alexander Ross Fischer; Trustee, The Ohio State University; former Sr. Vice President, Battelle Memorial Institute; Chairman, OmniViz; married to Lori Barreras)

Chris Glaros (author of the discredited Waters Report re. The Ohio State University Marching Band; protege of Eric H. Holder, Jr., Professor James P. Chandler, III, and Algernon L. Marbley)

Lori Barreras (Commissioner, Ohio Civil Rights Commission; former Vice President of Human Resources, The Ohio State University; former Vice President, Battelle Memorial Institute; married to Alex R. Fischer)

David Vaughn (Criminal Attorney, David Vaughn Consulting Group; former Assistant U.S. Attorney; appointed to the discredited Waters Commission at Ohio State)

Betty Montgomery (former Ohio Attorney General; appointed to the discredited Waters Commission at Ohio State; accepted campaign contributions from Woodrow A. Myers, Wellpoint, Inc. and friend of Michael V. Drake)

Joseph A. Steinmetz (Provost, The Ohio State University; author of Psychological Science article on MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that triggered the discovery of massive double-dealing and fraud within the Ohio State trustees)

The confirming data was acquired from finance reports, FEC filings, Congressional studies, espionage journalism, state election reporting forms, Goldman Sachs and ICIJ Swiss Leaks documents and journalists.